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- Short: Symposium/Mekka invitation/
- Author: Fredrik Schultz aka Wizard of DC DD(wizard@digital-corrutpion.net)
- Uploader: Svein Gisleson aka Micro of DC DD (micro@digital-corruption.net)
- Type: demo/aga
- Action: PAL; NoAGA; Cache
- --××·· -÷- ··××---÷---××·· -÷- ··××---÷---××·· -÷- ··××-- -÷-
- R E L E A S E N O T E S
- <<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>
- Ok... here we are... DC Demo Division
- strikes back again.. This time its the
- invitation for a GREAT scene event called
- Symposium/Mekka held in Fallingbostel
- , Germany 10-14 April. I hope everyone
- who don`t attend TG will be there...
- To run, just double click the file DC-INVIT.AXE
- Should be easy like hell... Or?
- Note that it doesn`t run on Picasso, nor
- other gfx cards directly. It needs reboot.
- Micro of Digital Corruption
- --××·· -÷- ··××---÷---××·· -÷- ··××---÷---××·· -÷- ··××-- -÷-
- Wizard is too tired to to say hi to anyone
- rite now, so ill do it for him...
- > Hehe, it's now 06:18 AM and I still haven't got any sleep...
- > (since it had to be ready for today...)
- > I'm pretty fucking tired and won't bore you with more shit... ;)
- > Take care...
- > Yours Tiredly, Wizard
- To all his friends out there..
- --××·· -÷- ··××---÷---××·· -÷- ··××---÷---××·· -÷- ··××-- -÷-
- ============================= Archive contents =============================
- Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
- -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
- 85756 82775 3.4% 03-Apr-98 01:15:44 DC-INVIT.AXE
- 10593 3098 70.7% 02-Apr-98 18:01:20 DC-SM98I.NFO
- 423 198 53.1% 02-Apr-98 18:09:12 File_iD.diz
- 1331 685 48.5% 08-Apr-98 11:47:34 DC-SM98I.readme
- -------- ------- ----- --------- --------
- 98103 86756 11.5% 11-Apr-98 20:00:42 4 files